When is the Territorial Army Recruitment 2024– TA Army Recruitment If you are preparing and waiting for the Territorial Army Recruitment Rally for a long time, then let us tell you that no Territorial Army Recruitment Rally has been organized for a very long time, but now the wait is over, notification has been issued for Territorial Army Recruitment, for which application has started.
Territorial Army Recruitment – TA Army Vacancy- General Duty, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Tradesman, Soldier Technical For all these posts – All the information related to Notification, Vacancy Details, Qualification and Eligibility, Online Apply Form, Selection Process, Age Limit, Admit Card, Result, Merit List etc. is given below.
TA Army Recruitment Notification
TA Army Recruitment Notification- In India, Territorial Army Recruitment Rally is organized in many Zones, in which all the states of India are included, such as – Territorial Army – Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Nicholas, Tripura, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, UP, Himachal, WCD Odisha, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, MP, Karnataka, WCD Goa, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Odisha, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Jammu Kashmir, Delhi, Kerala, Territorial Army New Vacancy will be for all these states, whose program will be released in different Zones.
Territorial Army New Vacancy Important Date
The important date for the candidates to apply for recruitment to the vacant posts of Territorial Army Recruitment ta bharti 2024 date is as follows.

- Apply Online Start Date, –
- Apply Online Last Date-
TA Army Bharti Qualification
The educational qualification of the candidate for Territorial Army recruitment has been kept according to different posts, for which the minimum qualification should be 10th pass.
- General Duty- Minimum- 10th Pass
- Soldier Clerk- Minimum- 12th Pass
- Soldier Tradesman- Minimum- 10,8th Pass
- Soldier Technical- Minimum- 12th Pass
TA Army Recruitment Age Limit
TA Army Age Limit- For Territorial Army Recruitment, the age of the candidate ranges from 18 years to maximum age 42 years and the candidate can get complete information only after the notification is released.
- Minimum Age: 18 Years,
- Maximum Age: 42 Years,
TA Army Bharti Selection Process
For TA Army Bharti Selection Process, the candidate will have to go through the following stages as-
- Written exam
- physical examination
- medical tests
- final merit list
- document verification
What is there in TA Army Bharti Physical Test- For Territorial Army recruitment, one will have to go through the following stages in the physical test which are as follows- You can also see the information about them.- Height, chest, weight, running etc.
TA Army Notification | jointerritorialarmy.gov.in |
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